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Social-Ecological Systems Meta-Analysis Database: Theory

Centralization and corruption

Variable relationship:

When the state holds the right to manage natural resources (Centralization), and this is coupled with commons users that have low levels of political power (Commons Political Power) and governing agency with unaccountable leaders (Leadership Accountability), then the governing agency may seek to advance its own interests at the expense of resource conditions (Condition Effect) and the interests of local users. The literature on government failure mentions agency problems as the most important reason behind governments working poorly (Acheson 2006). That is, the problems of governments stem, in the main, from the behavior of politicians and government officials who opt to serve their own interests rather than those of the public (Shleifer and Vishny 2002). These activities can range from voting for the interests of constituents in ways that do not serve the public at large to outright bribery. Corruption is a particularly serious problem in Third World countries (Wade 1982; Baland and Platteau 1996)

Scientific Field
Component Type(s)
Government Agency


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