Below is a collection of publications by the SESMAD team, organized by date and author. Click on titles for abstracts and links to the complete documents
Ban, N.C., Davies, T.E., Aguilera, S.E., Brooks, C., Cox, M., Epstein, G., Evans, L.S., Maxwell, S.M., Nenadovic, M., 2017. "Social and ecological effectiveness of large marine protected areas." Global Environmental Change 43: 82–91.
Cox, M., 2014. "Understanding large social-ecological systems: introducing the SESMAD project." International Journal of the Commons 8(2), 265–276.
Cox, M., Villamayor-Tomás, S., Epstein, G., Evans, L., Ban, N., Fleischman, F., Nenadovic, N. and Garcia-Lopez, G. 2016. "Synthesizing theories of natural resource management and governance." Global Environmental Change 39: 45-56.
Davies, T.E., Epstein, G., Aguilera, S.E., Brooks, C.M., Cox, M., Evans, L.S., Maxwell, S.M., Nenadovic, M., Ban, N.C., 2018. "Assessing trade-offs in large marine protected areas." PLOS ONE 13(4).
Epstein, G., Nenadovic, M., Boustany, A., 2014a. "Into the deep blue sea: Commons theory and international governance of Atlantic Bluefin Tuna." International Journal of the Commons 8(2), 277–303.
Epstein, G., Pérez, I., Schoon, M., Meek, C.L., 2014b. "Governing the invisible commons: Ozone regulation and the Montreal Protocol." International Journal of the Commons 8(2), 337–360.
Evans, L.S., Ban, N.C., Schoon, M., Nenadovic, M., 2014. "Keeping the 'Great' in the Great Barrier Reef: large-scale governance of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park." International Journal of the Commons 8(2), 396–427.
Fleischman, F.D., Ban, N.C., Evans, L.S., Epstein, G., Garcia-Lopez, G., Villamayor-Tomas, S., 2014a. "Governing large-scale social-ecological systems: Lessons from five cases." International Journal of the Commons 8(2), 428–456.
Fleischman, F.D., Loken, B., Garcia-Lopez, G.A., Villamayor-Tomas, S., 2014b. "Evaluating the utility of common-pool resource theory for understanding forest governance and outcomes in Indonesia between 1965 and 2012." International Journal of the Commons 8(2), 304–336.
Villamayor-Tomas, S., Fleischman, F.D., Ibarra, I.P., Thiel, A., Laerhoven, F. van, 2014. "From Sandoz to Salmon: Conceptualizing resource and institutional dynamics in the Rhine watershed through the SES framework." International Journal of the Commons 8(2), 361–395.