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Social-Ecological Systems Meta-Analysis Database: Theory

Interest heterogeneity and collective action

Variable relationship:

Vedeld (2000) argues that when groups have heterogenous interests (Interest Heterogeneity,) that the llikelihood that a group will be able to successfully self-organize is reduced (Collective Action) by increasing the costs of reaching and implementing agreements, and therefore the likelihood of successful environmental governance is also reduced (Commons Condition Trend).

Scientific Field
Component Type(s)


VariableRoleRole ExplanationValue
Interest heterogeneityProximate independent variableHigh levels of heterogeneity of interests increases the transaction costs of reaching and implementing agreements, reducing levels of collective action. High
Collective actionIntermediate outcomeHigh levels of heterogeneity of interests increases the transaction costs of reaching and implementing agreements, reducing levels of collective action. Low
Commons condition trendFinal outcomeAs a result of low levels of collective action, the conditions of the commons worsen. Worsened

Related Theories

TheoryRelationshipCharacterizing Variables
Community-based natural resource management (CBNRM)nested
Social diversity and general resiliencecontradictory
Collective action and the commonscontains

Related Studies


Vedeld, Trond. 2000. "Village Politics: Heterogeneity, Leadership and Collective Action." Journal of Development Studies, 36(5), 105-34.


Agrawal, Arun and Clark C. Gibson. 1999. "Enchantment and Disenchantment: The Role of Community in Natural Resource Conservation." World Development, 27(4), 629-49.
