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Social-Ecological Systems Meta-Analysis Database: Variables

Variable TypeBinary
Variable Component TypeLocal Resource User Group
Variable KindInteraction
ThemeIncentives (learn about themes)
QuestionDoes this actor group reside within or adjacent to the primary resource in this interaction?
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ImportanceResiding within or adjacent to a particular commons can provide users with a sense of place and motivate them to conserve the nearby commons that they use.

Residing within or adjacent to a commons means that this actor group lives full-time within the geographical boundaries of this resource, or at least at the edge of it in a way that has a similar effect on their relationship to the resource.


Theory Usages

TheoryValue Used
Community-based natural resource management (CBNRM)Yes
Critique of fortress conservationNo
Centralized conservationNo

Associated Studies

Study Citation

Case Usages

CaseInteraction TypeComponentValue UsedExplanation
Forests in IndonesiaGovernanceIndonesian "Adat" CommunitiesYesThese communities resided in or near the forest.
Forests in IndonesiaGovernanceIndonesian "Adat" CommunitiesYes
Forests in IndonesiaGovernanceIndonesian Local entrepreneursYesThey reside near - does that count as within?
Great Barrier Reef Marine ParkGovernanceGBR recreational fishersNo
Great Barrier Reef Marine ParkGovernanceGBR recreational fishersYesLive adjacent to the coastal and GBR MPAs
Great Barrier Reef Marine ParkGovernanceGBR commercial fishersYesLive on the coast alongside the GBR
Great Barrier Reef Marine ParkGovernanceGBR commercial fishersYesLive on the coast alongside the GBR
Galapagos Marine Reserve (GMR)GovernanceGalapagos Artisan FishermenYesFishers live within the GMR and many adjacent to the sea
Macquarie Island Marine ParkGovernanceAustralian Toothfish FishersNoFishers operate in the area for periods of 5-6 weeks, but do not reside on Macquarie Island or nearby
Galapagos Marine Reserve (GMR)GovernanceGalapagos Tourism SectorNoSome - there is some tourism development near nesting beaches and hotels by the sea. However, many tourists visit via cruise ship - so for these operators and visitors = no.
Wakatobi National Park GovernanceWakatobi Bajau fishersYesYes - the Bajau live within the park on stilted houses above the reef flat and therefore fish spawning aggregation sites are accessible.
Wakatobi National Park GovernanceWakatobi Bajau fishersYesBajau reside in the WNP and live in houses built on stilts over the reef flat
Wakatobi National Park GovernanceWakatobi Bajau fishersYesThe Bajau reside in the WNP in houses constructed over the reef flats (Clifton and Majors 2012)
Raja Ampat (National Act No. 32 2004)GovernanceRaja Ampat Artisanal FishersYesMPAs are coastal with villages located along the coast
Raja Ampat (National Act No. 32 2004)GovernanceRaja Ampat Artisanal FishersYesCoastal communities
Raja Ampat (National Act No. 32 2004)GovernanceRaja Ampat Artisanal FishersYesFishermen live in coastal villages
Great Barrier Reef Marine ParkGovernanceGBR recreational fishersYesLive adjacent to the coastal and GBR MPAs
Svalbard Nature ReservesGovernanceSvalbard Shrimp FishersNoAlthough some fishers might live in Svalbard, many of the fishers live on mainland Norway, in Russia, or even in other countries.
Great Barrier Reef Marine ParkGovernanceGBR commercial fishersYesMost commercial fishermen live on the coast alongside the GBR.
Macquarie Island Marine ParkGovernanceAustralian Toothfish FishersNo
Heard and McDonald Islands Marine ReserveGovernanceAustralian Toothfish FishersNo
Great Barrier Reef Marine ParkGovernanceGBR commercial fishersYesLive adjacent to the reef and work in areas with reef habitat
Seaflower MPAGovernanceSeaflower artisanal fishersNot Applicable
Seaflower MPAGovernanceSeaflower artisanal fishersYesGenerally speaking artisanal fishers live in a close proximity to their fishing grounds.
Cenderwasih National ParkGovernanceCenderwasih fishersYesFishers live in coastal villages
Cenderwasih National ParkGovernanceCenderwasih fishersYesFishers live in coastal villages
Falkland Islands squidGovernancePatagonian Squid TrawlersNoNo fishermen are from the Falkland Islands. Loligo Box is quite offshore. Joint Venture owners are from the Falkland Islands. Spanish masters are from Spain. Crew are from Peru and Chile mostly (some Indonesian, some African).
New Zealand squidGovernanceNew Zealand Arrow Squid FishersNoDeepwater species offshore, so no. Especially not Korean participants.
California squidGovernanceCalifornia market squid fishermenNoSquid migrate. Squid are closer to shore than other commonly caught species though.
Pond aquaculture on Lombok, IndonesiaGovernanceLombok aquaculture farmersYes
Pond aquaculture on Lombok, IndonesiaGovernanceLombok aquaculture farmers 
Gili Trawangan Coastal TourismGovernanceSCUBA diving businesses on Gili TrawanganYes
Gili Trawangan Coastal TourismGovernanceGili Indah Dive Association (GIDA)Yes
Gulf of Nicoya, Costa Rica fisheries governanceGovernanceIsla Caballo AMPR Costa RicaYes
Gulf of Nicoya, Costa Rica fisheries governanceGovernancePalito-Montero AMPR Costa RicaYes
Gulf of Nicoya, Costa Rica fisheries governanceGovernancePaquera-Tambor AMPR Costa RicaYes
Heard and McDonald Islands Marine ReserveGovernanceAustralian Toothfish FishersNoFishers operate incredibly far away from the resource. The HIMI fishery is incredibly remote, more than 4000 miles from Australia.