Forests in Indonesia | Governance | Forests in Indonesia | Low (1) | There was relatively little systematic scientific knowledge accumulated about the condition and dynamics of this commons. |
Forests in Indonesia | Governance | Forests in Indonesia | Medium (2) | Although there is still not a huge amount of knowledge about the conditions of Indonesian forests, the level of knowledge definitely improved when compared to the earlier period. |
Galapagos Marine Reserve | Biophysical | Galapagos Sea Cucumber | | |
Atlantic Bluefin Tuna (ICCAT) | Governance | Western Atlantic Bluefin Tuna | Medium (2) | |
Atlantic Bluefin Tuna (ICCAT) | Governance | Eastern Atlantic Bluefin Tuna | Medium (2) | |
Atlantic Bluefin Tuna (ICCAT) | Governance | Eastern Atlantic Bluefin Tuna | Medium (2) | |
Montreal Protocol | Biophysical | Ozone | High (3) | |
Montreal Protocol | Biophysical | Ozone Depleting Substances | High (3) | |
Montreal Protocol | Governance | Ozone Depleting Substances | High (3) | |
International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine (ICPR) | Governance | Rhine Point source pollutants | Medium (2) | The ICPR created a monitoring system that improved knowledge of a wide diversity of pollutants. By the 1970s new knowledge on diffusion and concentration trends was available. |
Great Barrier Reef Marine Park | Governance | GBR coral cover | High (3) | One of the best studies coral reef systems in the world |
Great Barrier Reef Marine Park | Governance | GBR coral cover | High (3) | One of the best studies coral reef systems in the world |
Montreal Protocol | Biophysical | Ozone | Low (1) | |
Montreal Protocol | Biophysical | Ozone Depleting Substances | Low (1) | Scientific knowledge of ozone depleting substances and their effects on ozone are generally low over this snapshot. |
Great Barrier Reef Marine Park | Governance | GBR target fish | High (3) | |
Great Barrier Reef Marine Park | Governance | GBR target fish | High (3) | Many researchers study the GBR (especially AIMS, JCU, UQ) |
Montreal Protocol | Governance | Ozone Depleting Substances | Low (1) | |
Galapagos Marine Reserve (GMR) | Governance | Galapagos Sea Cucumber | Medium (2) | A commonly fished and found acorss the Pacific. But a lack of information on the ecology of the sea-cucumber, including required density for reproduction in the Galapagos.
Macquarie Island Marine Park | Governance | Patagonian Toothfish | Medium (2) | Scientific knowledge is available and used to manage the use of toothfish resources. There is some uncertainty, however, |
Macquarie Island Marine Park | Governance | Light Mantled Albatross | Low (1) | Light mantled albatross are well studied as they are part of the Convention on Migratory Species. However, population estimates are limited because they are biennial breeders, and little is known about their movements and biology away from breeding sites. |
Macquarie Island Marine Park | Governance | Macquarie Island Royal Penguin | Medium (2) | Uncertainties remain regarding the size of the population; and their at-sea movements. |
Wakatobi National Park | Governance | Wakatobi coral cover | High (3) | Coral cover well studied throughout the Park, inlcuding longitudinal data. Knowledge assisted by involvement of NGOs. |
Wakatobi National Park | Governance | Wakatobi fish spawning | Medium (2) | Knowledge of species, ecology, spawning locations, and some understanding of population dynamics
Wakatobi National Park | Governance | Wakatobi Green Turtle | Medium (2) | High scientific knowledge by management actors, but low scientific knowledge by resource users (though high local knowledge). Know where turtles nest and some idea of foraging areas in WNP, but don't know migration routes |
Northwestern Hawaiian Islands (NWHI) Marine National Monument | Governance | NWHI Lobster Fishery | Medium (2) | Numerous studies on population, ecology and prey availability - but limited knowledge on ecology and sub-populations - reasons why population are not recovering are not known |
Galapagos Marine Reserve (GMR) | Governance | Galapagos Green Turtle | Medium (2) | High level of scientific knowledge at nesting and foraging grounds, migratory routes less understood. |
International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine (ICPR) | Biophysical | Rhine Non-point source pollutants | | |
Galapagos Marine Reserve (GMR) | Governance | Galapagos Sharks | Medium (2) | Some undersatnding of shark composition and assemblages - but many species, especially the highly migratory species such as blue and mako are very hard to study. Much of the shark research is conducted by CDF within the park. |
Northwestern Hawaiian Islands (NWHI) Marine National Monument | Governance | NWHI Trophic Density | High (3) | Well researched and studied area. Studies on trophic density and comparisions with main Hawaiian islands (Friedlander and DeMartini 2002)
Northwestern Hawaiian Islands (NWHI) Marine National Monument | Governance | NWHI Green Turtle | High (3) | A lot of studies on population including satelite tracking and genetics |
Central California National Marine Sanctuaries | Governance | California Humpback Whale | High (3) | There are many collaborative research projects focused on the humpback whale in this region, and the management body is required to use best available science in its activities. |
Central California National Marine Sanctuaries | Governance | California Rocky Shores Ecosystem Health | High (3) | There are many research projects focused on the rocky shores habitat. It is considered one of the most diverse, most studied, and best understood biological regions of the world (De Vogelaere, 2014). |
Community A (Fiji fisheries) | Governance | Community A Fish Resources | High (3) | Scientific knowledge is available and was used in part for the design of the governance system for the LMMA and PHC |
Community B (Fiji Fisheries) | Governance | Community B Fish Resources | High (3) | Scientific knowledge was used in the design of the LMMA and PHC. |
Community C (Fiji Fisheries) | Governance | Community C Fish Resources | Medium (2) | Some scientific knowledge was used in the design of the governance systems for the LMMA and PHC. |
Raja Ampat (National Act No. 32 2004) | Governance | Raja Ampat Coral Cover | High (3) | Coral cover is well studied throughout the MPAs, mainly by NGOs - Conservation International, The Nature Conservancy, and World Wildlife Fund (Agostini, 2012). |
Raja Ampat (National Act No. 32 2004) | Governance | Raja Ampat Green Turtle | Medium (2) | Nesting beaches of green turtles are known, and some knowledge on movements of green turtles outside Raja Ampat is known: "4. After remaining in an area for a few months to nest, individuals of all species dispersed to areas outside the BHS, including to the Arafura Sea, South Kalimantan, throughout Southeast Asia, Eastern Australia, New Zealand, and even North America to reside and feed. Two of six Green turtles remained in the BHS to reside and feed during inter-nesting periods." |
Raja Ampat (National Act No. 32 2004) | Governance | Raja Ampat Reef Fish | High (3) | Fish species, including endemics and abundance are well documented |
Central California National Marine Sanctuaries | Governance | California Groundfish Habitat | High (3) | Many institutions (universities, NGOs, government agencies, etc) study California groundfish in depth. There are many papers and studies dedicated to this commons. |
Svalbard Nature Reserves | Governance | Svalbard Polar Bear | Medium (2) | There are no reliable population estimates over time for the polar bear. Aars et al (2009) conducted one population study in 2004, but translating survey sightings to a population estimate requires many assumptions. Studies have examined factors such as cub production, body mass indices, and den distribution (Derocher et al 2005, 2011, Anderson et al 2012). |
Great Australian Bight Marine Park (GABMP) (Commonwealth Waters) | Governance | GABMP (Commonwealth Waters) Southern Right Whale | Medium (2) | The southern right whale aggregation at the Head of Bight has been studied since 1991. Land based surveys have provided information on abundance, population dynamics and photo-ID. The distribution of abundance and winter calving habitat in coastal Australian waters has been well surveyed. However, less is known about the offshore distribution and movements of southern right whales during migration although (see Burnell 2001). |
Svalbard Nature Reserves | Governance | Svalbard Shrimp | High (3) | Biomass estimates are conducted separately by Norwegian and Russian boats every year in the Barents Sea. Good quality reporting of fishing catch and effort also help to estimate catch-per-unit effort provides supplementary information to gauge the status of the stocks. There is no direct monitoring within the Nature Reserves, but since it is believe to be part of the same stock, overall biomass estimates for the Barents Sea are useful. |
Great Australian Bight Marine Park (GABMP) (Commonwealth Waters) | Governance | GABMP (Commonwealth Waters) Southern Bluefin Tuna | Medium (2) | There has been much research on SBT but much is still unknown such as spawning frequency and length, movement and congregation, impact of major threats (noise caused by oil and gas operation, climate changes, invasive species), spatial dynamics and their ecological role. |
Seaflower MPA | Governance | Seaflower coral reefs | High (3) | There are environmental monitoring programs in place that are periodically conducted by CORALINA staff |
Heard and McDonald Islands Marine Reserve | Governance | Light Mantled Albatross | Low (1) | Original counts for light mantled albatross at Heard Island was in 1959 (200-500 breeding pairs). Their nests are mostly inaccessible, making assessments of total population size, breeding success or population trends difficult. 2000/01 survey found nests at new and different locations, as did the 2003/04 survey. Colonization of new sites suggests the population may be increasing, but there is no recent data to support this (See Woehler 2006). |
Heard and McDonald Islands Marine Reserve | Governance | King Penguin | Low (1) | Historically, there is some knowledge about the King Penguin population on HIMI from the variety of research expeditions that occurred between 1947-2004. From this data we know about the overall trend in population size (increasing, doubling in size every five years; Woehler 2006). However, there have been no scientific expeditions or data collected since 2004, thus the population status over the last decade is unknown. |
Great Australian Bight Marine Park (GABMP) (Commonwealth Waters) | Governance | GABMP (Commonwealth Waters) Sea Lion | High (3) | Fairly well studied species including population genetics. Diet of the Australian Sea Lion is poorly understood. |
Svalbard Nature Reserves | Governance | Svalbard Kittiwake | High (3) | Populations are monitored annually, with good population estimates. However, the reasons for some population declines are unknown. |
Community D (Fiji Fisheries) | Governance | Community D Fish Resources | Low (1) | Scientific knowledge was not used in the design or management of the PHC |
Community E (Fiji Fisheries) | Governance | Community E Fish Resources | Low (1) | |
Seaflower MPA | Governance | Seaflower groupers | Medium (2) | There are biological monitoring activities conducted by CORALINA. However due to lack of staff and finances, they are not frequent and comprehensive. |
Cenderwasih National Park | Governance | Cenderwasih coral cover | High (3) | Coral reefs appear fairly well studied - information on live coral cover, location, and species.
Hard to find information on changes over time. |
Cenderwasih National Park | Governance | Cenderwasih target fish | Medium (2) | Fish species, including endemics have ben well documented recently by NGO expeditions. However, monitoring data on abudance and changes over time is less well documented (in the public realm) |
Falkland Islands squid | Governance | Patagonian squid (Loligo gahi) | High (3) | While still gaps in knowledge, many ongoing scientific projects and studies |
New Zealand squid | Governance | Arrow Squid (Nototodarus spp.) | Low (1) | Unsure about a lot of biological aspects of squid. Do not know where spawn. Know life history, diet, and two species, but not a lot of effort to study population dynamics. Management makes a lot of assumptions. |
California squid | Governance | California market squid (Loligo opalescens) | High (3) | Government and academic scientific projects heavily involved with this fishery. |
Pond aquaculture on Lombok, Indonesia | Governance | Lombok aquaculture irrigation canals | Low (1) | |
Pond aquaculture on Lombok, Indonesia | Governance | Lombok aquaculture irrigation canals | | |
Caete-Teperacu Extractive Reserve (RESEX) in Braganca, Brazil | Governance | Mangrove forest in Bragança, Brazil | High (3) | |
Gili Trawangan Coastal Tourism | Governance | Coral reefs, coast and small-island on and surrounding Gili Trawangan, Indonesia | High (3) | |
Gulf of Nicoya, Costa Rica fisheries governance | Governance | Gulf of Nicoya fisheries | Missing | |
Community H (Fiji Fisheries) | Governance | Community H Fish Resources | Low (1) | |
Community F (Fiji Fisheries) | Governance | Community F Fish Resources | Medium (2) | |
Great Barrier Reef Marine Park | Governance | GBR Green Turtle | High (3) | Within the GBR there has been monitoring of turtles for 25+ years (Limpus et al 2003). There is reasonably good scientific knowledge of habitat requirements, forging sites, and nesting grounds. |
Heard and McDonald Islands Marine Reserve | Governance | Patagonian Toothfish | Medium (2) | AAD continues to work with the HIMI toothfish fishery industry, AFMA, the French government and CCAMLR to pursue additional scientific information about the HIMI toothfish population. Yet significant gaps remain, including about HIMI toothfish life history, population dynamics and distribution. For example, spawning individuals were only recently discovered within the HIMI EEZ. Whether or not other spawning locations exist, the location of eggs and larvae, the exact timing of spawning, the proportion of the population that spawns (i.e., there is some evidence of skip-spawning) and other details have yet to be discovered (see Welsford et al. 2012). |
Community G (Fiji Fisheries) | Governance | Community G Fish Resources | High (3) | |