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Social-Ecological Systems Meta-Analysis Database: Variables

Variable TypeCategorical
Variable Component TypeEnvironmental Common
Variable KindComponent
ThemeBiophysical (learn about themes)
ProjectsSESMAD, Fiji fisheries
QuestionWhat medium does this commons exist in?
Select OptionsOceanic, Freshwater, Terrestrial, Atmospheric

"A sector is the physical and social environment which provides the context under which a resource or pollutant is used and/or managed. The available options are mostly self-explanatory: Oceanic: An oceanic commons is one that exists in saltwater environments. Freshwater: A freshwater commons is one that exists in a freshwater environment Terrestrial: A terrestrial commons is one that exists in a terrestrial environment. Atmospheric: An atmospheric commons is one that exists in an atmospheric environment."


Theory Usages

TheoryValue Used

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Study Citation

Component Usages

ComponentValue UsedExplanation
Tigris watershed 
Western Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Oceanic
Walt's forest 
Light Mantled AlbatrossOceanicNests on land; but spends a considerable amount of lifecycle foraging in the open ocean and coastal areas.
NWHI Trophic DensityOceanicOceanic
Community D Fish ResourcesOceanic
Community A Fish ResourcesOceanic
Community C Fish ResourcesOceanic
Community B Fish ResourcesOceanic
Cenderwasih coral coverOceanic
Cenderwasih green turtleOceanic
Gulf of Nicoya fisheriesOceanic
Galapagos Sea CucumberOceanicOceanic Shallow coastal waters (2-40m depth)
Forests in IndonesiaTerrestrialForests are terrestrial ecosystems.
Eastern Atlantic Bluefin TunaOceanicLocated throughout much of the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea.
Ozone Depleting SubstancesAtmospheric
Rhine Point source pollutantsFreshwaterRhine's waters
Rhine Non-point source pollutantsFreshwaterRhine's waters
GBR coral coverOceanic
GBR target fish 
GBR target fishOceanic
Patagonian Toothfish Oceanic
NWHI Lobster FisheryOceanicOceanic
Macquarie Island Royal PenguinOceanicFeeds on the ocean; but reproduces on land.
Wakatobi coral coverOceanicOceanic
Wakatobi Green TurtleOceanicSpend most of their lives in the sea, but return to beaches to nest
Wakatobi fish spawningOceanic
Galapagos Green TurtleOceanicOceanic
Patagonian squid (Loligo gahi)OceanicA neritic species occurring from the surface to 350 m depth but usually only to 285 m (FAO 2016)
Raja Ampat Reef Fish OceanicOceanic
Raja Ampat Coral CoverOceanicOceanic
King PenguinOceanicBreeds on land, but forages in the ocean.
Galapagos SharksOceanicOceanic
Raja Ampat Green TurtleOceanicOceanic
NWHI Green TurtleOceanicOceanic
California Rocky Shores Ecosystem HealthOceanicOceanic-Terrestrial boundary, but relates to more oceanic feature and dynamics in terms of ecosystem health (e.g. tides, ocean acidification, ocean temperatures).
California Humpback WhaleOceanicMarine mammal
California Groundfish Habitat Groundfish are found nearshore and offshore the California coast. Groundfish are named for any species that lives somewhat on the benthos. Habitat areas of particular concern (HAPC) includes estuaries, canopy kelp, sea grass, seamounts and canyons (PFMC A18, 2005).
Svalbard Polar BearOceanicThe polar bear uses both terrestrial and marine environments. It primarily uses sea ice to hunt ringed and bearded seals (Derocher et al 2002). Svalbard bears use land ice/snow for hibernating and rearing young, and sometimes prey on foxes and reindeer (Derocher et al 2011).
Seaflower coral reefsOceanicLifecycle completed in the marine environment.
Seaflower groupersOceanicMarine fish
Svalbard BelugaOceanic
Community G Fish ResourcesOceanic
Community F Fish ResourcesOceanic
Community E Fish ResourcesOceanic
Community H Fish ResourcesOceanic
Svalbard ShrimpOceanic
GABMP (Commonwealth Waters) Southern Right WhaleOceanicCalving and non-calving whales are found in the Southern Ocean between 16 degrees South and 65 degrees South in the summer (November to April) and the near shore waters of southern Australia in the winter (May to October). On the Australian coast, southern right whales are known to use widely separated coastal areas (200 - 1500 kilometres apart) within a season (Burnell 2001; Charlton et al. 2014) .
GABMP (Commonwealth Waters) BenthosOceanicThe shelf bedforms of the GAB are largely biogenic and form a large expanse of temperate carbonate sediments. The sediments are generally coarse-grained and gravelly inshore but become progressively finer and muddier with increasing depth and distance offshore (Connolly and Von Der Borch 1967).
GABMP (Commonwealth Waters) Southern Bluefin TunaOceanicOceans of the southern hemisphere between 30–50° S.
GBR Green Turtle Green turtles spend the vast majority of their lives at sea, but use beaches for nesting.
GABMP (Commonwealth Waters) Sea LionOceanic
Svalbard KittiwakeOceanicBreeds on land, but forages at sea - it is a highly pelagic species, usually remaining on the wing out of sight of land
Cenderwasih target fishOceanic
Arrow Squid (Nototodarus spp.)Oceanic
California market squid (Loligo opalescens)Oceanic
New Zealand Sea Lion 
Mangrove forest in Bragança, BrazilTerrestrialCoastal mangrove forest and estuary
Lombok aquaculture irrigation canalsTerrestrial
Coral reefs, coast and small-island on and surrounding Gili Trawangan, IndonesiaOceanicCoastal small island