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Social-Ecological Systems Meta-Analysis Database: Variables

Variable TypeOrdinal
Variable Component TypePollutant
Variable KindComponent
ThemeBiophysical (learn about themes)
QuestionHow long does this pollutant remain in the resource system before it becomes non-toxic?
Select Options1 Weeks, 2 Year, 3 Multiple years
ImportanceThis variable is important to determine how long it will take to a certain substance to pollute the system or how long it will take to drop to a low or non-toxic concentration (removal time). Lower residence times would be expected to disencourage action to control or abate the pollutant.
DefinitionThe amount of time a pollutant remains at toxic concentrations within a social-ecological system.

Theory Usages

TheoryValue Used

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Component Usages

ComponentValue UsedExplanation
Ozone Depleting SubstancesMultiple years (3)
Rhine Point source pollutantsMultiple years (3)This applies not only to water but also to the sediments of the Rhine riparian area
Rhine Non-point source pollutantsMultiple years (3)This applies not only to water but also to the sediments of the Rhine riparian area