Variable Type | Categorical |
Variable Component Type | Actor |
Variable Kind | Interaction |
Theme | Institutions (learn about themes) |
Projects | SESMAD, Fiji fisheries |
Question | Is this actor's use of this commons encouraged or discouraged with a tax or subsidy? |
Select Options | Tax, Subsidy, Both, Neither |
Unit | |
Role | CommonsUser |
Importance | Taxes and subsidies are important ways of altering human behavior by changing the costs and benefits that accompany various actions. |
Definition | "Incentive-based institutions do not require, permit or forbid certain behaviors, but they change the incentives that actors face when deciding how much, and/or how, they will use a commons. Taxes impose costs on the use of a commons, and are designed to discourage the taxed behaviors. Subsidies provide additional monetary benefits based on use levels, and are designed to encourage the subsidized behaviors." |
Sectors |
Theory Usages
Theory | Value Used |
Associated Studies
Study Citation |
Case Usages
Case | Interaction Type | Component | Value Used | Explanation |
Forests in Indonesia | Governance | Indonesian "Adat" Communities | Neither | There were neither taxes nor subsidies for these commons users use of the commons. |
Forests in Indonesia | Governance | Large Extractive Industries in Indonesia | Subsidy | In the 1970s, there were subsidies for exports. Later, in the 1980s, large subsidies were put in place for the construction of plywood mills and other value added activities. Both of these subsidies encouraged increased investment in forest clearing. |
Forests in Indonesia | Governance | Indonesian "Adat" Communities | Neither | none that I am aware of. |
Forests in Indonesia | Governance | Large Extractive Industries in Indonesia | Subsidy | subsidies for palm oil production have served to increase the size of this industry. (do we have references for this?) |
Forests in Indonesia | Governance | Civil society organizations in Indonesia | Neither | doesn't use |
Forests in Indonesia | Governance | Indonesian Local entrepreneurs | Neither | ? no evidence of a tax or subsidy. |
Montreal Protocol | Governance | Ozone Depleting Substance Industrial Producers | Neither | Neither taxes nor subsidies directly affected ODS production. |
Great Barrier Reef Marine Park | Governance | GBR recreational fishers | Neither | |
Great Barrier Reef Marine Park | Governance | GBR commercial fishers | Neither | |
Montreal Protocol | Governance | Ozone Depleting Substance Industrial Producers | Neither | |
Macquarie Island Marine Park | Governance | Australian Toothfish Fishers | Subsidy | Although the toothfish fishery is not directly subsidized, Australia provides a number of subsidies to the fishing industry, including for the cost of fuel. |
Central California National Marine Sanctuaries | Governance | California Sanctuary Recreational Users | Neither | |
Central California National Marine Sanctuaries | Governance | California Academic Researchers | Neither | |
Central California National Marine Sanctuaries | Governance | California Academic Researchers | Neither | |
Community A (Fiji fisheries) | Governance | Community A | Neither | |
Community B (Fiji Fisheries) | Governance | Community B | Neither | |
Community C (Fiji Fisheries) | Governance | Community C | Neither | |
Raja Ampat (National Act No. 32 2004) | Governance | Raja Ampat Artisanal Fishers | Neither | |
Raja Ampat (National Act No. 32 2004) | Governance | Raja Ampat Tourism | Tax | Since 2007 all visitors traveling in Raja Ampat have to pay an entrance fee. The entrance fee for 2015 foreign visitors is Rp 1.000.000/person/calendar year (approximately US$100) for which they will receive a waterproof plastic entrance tag featuring a photo from Raja Ampat. |
Raja Ampat (National Act No. 32 2004) | Governance | Raja Ampat Artisanal Fishers | Pigs were introduced by NGOs as an alternative communal meat source to replace the use of turtles | |
Raja Ampat (National Act No. 32 2004) | Governance | Raja Ampat Artisanal Fishers | Neither | |
Svalbard Nature Reserves | Governance | Svalbard Tourism | Neither | |
Central California National Marine Sanctuaries | Governance | California Groundfish Fishermen | Neither | |
Great Barrier Reef Marine Park | Governance | GBR recreational fishers | Neither | |
Great Australian Bight Marine Park (GABMP) (Commonwealth Waters) | Governance | GABMP (Commonwealth Waters) Commercial Fishers | Not Applicable | |
Svalbard Nature Reserves | Governance | Svalbard Shrimp Fishers | Neither | |
Great Australian Bight Marine Park (GABMP) (Commonwealth Waters) | Governance | GABMP (Commonwealth Waters) Commercial Fishers | Subsidy | Although the SBT fishery is not directly subsidized, Australia provides a number of subsidies to the fishing industry, including for the cost of fuel. |
Macquarie Island Marine Park | Governance | Australian Toothfish Fishers | Subsidy | Australia does provide some subsidies to fishing fleets including fuel subsidies and fisher assistance that migth affect the level of exploitation of fish |
Heard and McDonald Islands Marine Reserve | Governance | Australian Toothfish Fishers | Subsidy | AU fishers are subsidized (e.g., fuel subsidies) would might encourage fishing and therefore encourage the risk of seabird interaction (see Sumaila et al. 2008). |
Heard and McDonald Islands Marine Reserve | Governance | Australian Toothfish Fishers | Subsidy | The Australian government does grant subsidies to the fishing industry, including the cost of fuel (see. E.g., Sumaila et al. 2008). |
Great Australian Bight Marine Park (GABMP) (Commonwealth Waters) | Governance | GABMP (Commonwealth Waters) Commercial Fishers | Not Applicable | |
Community D (Fiji Fisheries) | Governance | Community D | Neither | |
Community G (Fiji Fisheries) | Governance | Community G | Neither | |
Community H (Fiji Fisheries) | Governance | Community H | Neither | |
Great Barrier Reef Marine Park | Governance | GBR commercial fishers | Not Applicable | |
Seaflower MPA | Governance | Seaflower artisanal fishers | Not Applicable | |
Seaflower MPA | Governance | Seaflower artisanal fishers | Missing | NO DATA |
Falkland Islands squid | Governance | Patagonian Squid Trawlers | Subsidy | There is a tax and royalties (both high) from the Falkland Islands Government, but this is not used to discourage fishing or does it discourage fishing. Spanish government provides subsidies in form of fuel and construction. No subsidies for Joint Ventures. |
New Zealand squid | Governance | New Zealand Arrow Squid Fishers | Tax | No subsidies. Tax on quota allocated. Doesn't really discourage fishing though. |
California squid | Governance | California market squid fishermen | Tax | Tax: Landing taxes, but not a large discouragement. No subsidy. |
Pond aquaculture on Lombok, Indonesia | Governance | Lombok aquaculture farmers | Subsidy | |
Pond aquaculture on Lombok, Indonesia | Governance | Lombok aquaculture farmers | ||
Caete-Teperacu Extractive Reserve (RESEX) in Braganca, Brazil | Governance | Association of Users in the Caete-Teperacu RESEX (ASSUREMACATA) in Brazil | Subsidy | |
Gili Trawangan Coastal Tourism | Governance | SCUBA diving businesses on Gili Trawangan | Neither | |
Gulf of Nicoya, Costa Rica fisheries governance | Governance | Isla Caballo AMPR Costa Rica | Missing | |
Gulf of Nicoya, Costa Rica fisheries governance | Governance | Palito-Montero AMPR Costa Rica | Missing | |
Gulf of Nicoya, Costa Rica fisheries governance | Governance | Paquera-Tambor AMPR Costa Rica | Missing | |
Gili Trawangan Coastal Tourism | Governance | Gili Indah Dive Association (GIDA) | Neither | |
International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine (ICPR) | Governance | ICPR nations (1976-1986) | ||
International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine (ICPR) | Governance | Rhine chemical firms | ||
Great Barrier Reef Marine Park | Governance | GBR recreational fishers | Neither | |
Great Barrier Reef Marine Park | Governance | GBR commercial fishers | Neither | |
Galapagos Marine Reserve (GMR) | Governance | Galapagos Artisan Fishermen | Neither | No tax or subsidy known, however use of this commons is discouraged through the promotion of alternative livelihoods in the tourism and value-added seafood businesses |
Galapagos Marine Reserve (GMR) | Governance | Galapagos Tourism Sector | Tax | All tourists pay an entry fee (currently US$100 for foreigners). Tour operators pay for a permit. |
Wakatobi National Park | Governance | Wakatobi Bajau fishers | Neither | |
Wakatobi National Park | Governance | Wakatobi Bajau fishers | Neither | |
Wakatobi National Park | Governance | Wakatobi Bajau fishers | Neither | Heightened enforcement (Clifton 2013) |
Community F (Fiji Fisheries) | Governance | Community F | Neither | |
Community E (Fiji Fisheries) | Governance | Community E | Neither | |
Svalbard Nature Reserves | Governance | Svalbard Tourism | Neither | |
Cenderwasih National Park | Governance | Cenderwasih fishers | Neither | |
Cenderwasih National Park | Governance | Cenderwasih fishers | Neither |