GMR governance system 1998-current | Medium: Few metrics for success (2) | Lobster, sea cucumber, and tuna are main fishing resources, surveyed for population growth or decline, as well as several health metrics within the populations |
GBR Marine Park Act 1975-1999 | | |
Wakatobi National Park 2008-current | High: Many metrics for success (3) | MPA manages for a range of outcomes - both ecological and social objectives (including: coral cover, fish spawning, fish abundance, turtles, seagrass, seabird habitat, resource use of users within the park) - although it has been difficult to find this information |
Magnuson-Stevens Act | High: Many metrics for success (3) | |
Raja Ampat Governance System | High: Many metrics for success (3) | Many metrics from social (perceptions) to ecological (turtles, coral, fish spawning) |
Macquarie Island Toothfish Fishery Management Plan | High: Many metrics for success (3) | Governance system aims to maintain stocks at sustainable levels, but also seeks to limit bycatch, particularly seabird bycatch and the potential impacts of the fishing fleet on the environment. |
Macquarie Island Nature Reserve Management Plan | High: Many metrics for success (3) | The management plan includes 10 major goals that include include conserving biodiversity, reversing negative conservation trends, maintaining quarantine procedures, limiting impact of tourism and research activities, preserving cultural heritage, and maintaining or improving natural ecological processes that are directly or indirectly related to human disturbance. |
Community D Governance System | High: Many metrics for success (3) | Fish resources are managed with a number of different social, economic and ecological objectives. |
Community A Governance System | High: Many metrics for success (3) | Community members express diverse social, economic and ecological goals for fisheries management. |
Seaflower MPA Act 2005 | Missing | NO DATA |
Community G Governance System | High: Many metrics for success (3) | Fisheries resources are managed with a number of different social, economic and ecological objectives. |
Community H Governance System | High: Many metrics for success (3) | Fish resources are managed with a number of different social, economic and ecological objectives. |
Galapagos Governance System 1998-current | High: Many metrics for success (3) | A variety of ecological factors are monitored, inlcuding fisheries lobster, sea cucumber, and movements of migratory species sharks, turtles. Water quality.
Also Galapagos Report 2011-2012 includes sections on tourism and poverty - so assume some social metrics also measured. |
Sasi in Tomolol, Misool | | |
GBR Marine Park Act 2004-current | High: Many metrics for success (3) | |
NWHI Monument Act 2006 | High: Many metrics for success (3) | Success metrics range from cultural perseverance in the Monument to ecological health (which includes fisheries, pollution, biodiversity, migratory species, trophic density, etc.) |
Joint Sanctuary Management Governance System | High: Many metrics for success (3) | Metrics for success include effective education and outreach, resource protection, and research goals. Condition reports includes metrics on offshore and nearsore environments, and assess habitat, biodiversity, key species, human activities and human health, living resources, water quality, and maritime archaeological resources. |
Community C Governance System | High: Many metrics for success (3) | Fisheries resources are managed with a number of different social, economic and ecological objectives. |
Community B Governance System | High: Many metrics for success (3) | Community members express a number of social, economic and ecological goals for fisheries management. |
Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery Management Plan | Low: One metric for success (1) | While the MSA specifies success of management plans to focus on 4 areas: prevent overfishing, rebuild overfished stocks, increase long-term economic and social benefits, and ensure a safe and sustainable supply of seafood, the Council writes that all sectors of the groundfish fishery are currently constrained by the need to rebuild groundfish species that have been declared overfished. Therefore there is an emphasis on rebuilding overfished stocks as a metric for success. |
Svalbard Environmental Protection Act | High: Many metrics for success (3) | The Environmental Protection Act and the Regulations of 1973 specify what is and is not allowed within the Nature Reserves. Therefore, there are no formal “goals for management” for which to gauge success.
The ongoing monitoring program does keep track of a few metrics for each of several species (e.g. number of dens, litter size, cub survival for polar bears). The Governor also collects information of many social indicators on Svalbard. Despite the lack of formal management goals, there are many metrics of success (including various species of marine fauna, pollution levels, hunting, fishing, cruise traffic, etc.). |
Community E Governance System | High: Many metrics for success (3) | Local fisheries are managed with a number of different social, economic and ecological objectives. |
Community F Governance System | High: Many metrics for success (3) | Fisheries within the LMMA are managed with a number of different social, economic and ecological objectives. |
Macquarie Island Marine Park Management Plan | High: Many metrics for success (3) | Management plans include a wide range of goals, including preservation of species and habitats, and the elimination of invasive species and minimization of potential threats. The management plan adopts an ecosystem-based approach to management and aims to coordinate regulations with the nature reserve and CCAMLR. |
GABMP (Commonwealth Waters) Plan of Management 2000 - 2005 and Management Plan 2005 - 2012 | High: Many metrics for success (3) | The Plan of Management is written to conform to the Australia and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council (ANZECC) best practice model for performance reporting in natural resource management (ANZECC 1997) with an emphasis on measurable performance indicators, targets and monitoring. The Plan of Management is a statutory document intended to be in force for a long period of time, so therefore, the performance assessment details are to be presented in a separate document to allow for new knowledge and feedback to management during the duration of the Plan. Wherever possible, the research requirements are to be closely linked to the performance assessment requirements of the Park.
Criteria and Priorities for the GABMP Performance Indicators are outlined in the 2000 - 2005 Management Plan with primary goals for each protection zone and the whole park along with possible research and performance assessment priorities. In the 2005 - 2012 Management Plan, a Performance Assessment Framework was developed by the Director of National Parks that consists of seven Key Result Areas and sets out prescriptions on how each one will be managed. |
Heard and McDonald Islands Marine Reserve Management Plan | High: Many metrics for success (3) | The MPA management plan includes a variety of inter-related goals for biodiversity conservation, sustainable management, protection of areas occupied by species during different life history stages (e.g., juveniles toothfish grounds, nesting areas for seabirds, foraging areas for birds and mammals), reduction of invasive species threats, and more. |
Heard Island and McDonald Islands Fishery Management Plan | High: Many metrics for success (3) | AFMA aims to maintain stocks at sustainable levels, while also attempting ecosystem based management. This includes having bycatch limits and mitigation measures for avoiding seabirds. |
Cenderwasih governance system | | |
The Falkland Islands Government (FIG) Fisheries Department’s Falklands Interim Conservation and Management Zone (FICZ) | Medium: Few metrics for success (2) | “At the introduction of the Fisheries regime in 1987, the management objectives were stated (Anon., 1989) as being: 1) To conserve the resource, and thus ensure its continued productivity. 2) To maintain the economic viability of the fisheries as a whole. 3) To enable the Falklands to enjoy greater benefits from the resource. These objectives are still relevant today.” (Barton 2002) ITQ goals include: diversification, economic performance, research and development investment, increased international competitiveness, government income increases, environmental stewardship (Harte and Barton 2007a). Primary goal: Stability. Achieved. |
California Department of Fish and Wildlife Market Squid Fishery Management Plan | Medium: Few metrics for success (2) | Primarily ecosystem health and stock health.
The MLMA calls for achieving its primary goal of sustainability by meeting
several objectives:
• preventing overfishing;
• rebuilding depressed stocks;
• ensuring conservation;
• promoting habitat protection and restoration.
Capacity Goal: maintain a sustainable squid resource and provide for a fishery that is diverse, stable, and profitable. (FMA 2005) |
New Zealand Quota Management System | Low: One metric for success (1) | Our goal is to have New Zealanders maximising benefits from the use of fisheries within environmental limits. Has multiple Use Outcomes, Environment Outcomes, and Governance Outcomes.
However: In reality the squid management has one outcome: Reduce sea lion mortality. (Other goal is to manage the TACC, but less so in reality). Greater outcomes and goals, but less in reality. |
Caeté-Taperaçú Extractive Reserve (RESEX) in Brazil | High: Many metrics for success (3) | |
Indonesian Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture | | |
Self.organized rules and norms for SCUBA diving | Low: One metric for success (1) | |
Marine Areas for Responsible Fishing (AMPRs) Costa Rica | Medium: Few metrics for success (2) | |