Galapagos Artisan Fishermen | More than once a year (5) | No specific information on the frequency of meetings was found. However, regular meetings do occur for each cooperative, and General Assemblies summoned when significant decisions must be made at which the members of the cooperative are obligated to attend. |
"New Order" Indonesian Central Government (1965-1998) | More than once a year (5) | Although not all members of this group communicated on a frequent basis with each other, some subgroups communicated with each other very frequently (on a daily basis). |
Indonesian "Adat" Communities | More than once a year (5) | Within groups, communication is frequent, between groups it is less frequent though also regular through social movements and organizations like AMAN. |
ICCAT Eastern Members | | ICCAT contracting parties meet regularly, but there are no separate meetings for ICCAT Eastern Members. |
Large Extractive Industries in Indonesia | | Does this refer to inter or intra group? |
Indonesian Local entrepreneurs | | ? Some members of this group communicate with each other, but it isn't clear to me how to fill out this variable, since the group as a whole doesn't communicate at any time. |
Indonesian District Governments | | Does this refer to inter or intra group. Within districts, individuals communicate very frequently (far more than once per year) but between districts, they do not communicate. |
"Reformasi" Indonesian Central Government (1998-2012) | More than once a year (5) | Different components of the government are in frequent (daily) communication. While we don't have direct evidence, we assume that at least some of this communication occurs in person (i.e. in govt. office buildings). |
Civil society organizations in Indonesia | | ? |
ICCAT Contracting Parties | More than once a year (5) | |
ICCAT Western Members | | ICCAT contracting parties meet regularly, but there are no separate meetings for ICCAT Western Members. |
ICPR nations (1976-1986) | Less than once every 2 years (2) | This answer applies strictly to the ICPR formal meetings; however, representatives communicate more than once per year in the European Union-related venues |
Svalbard Shrimp Fishers | Missing | Unknown |
Misool Eco Resort | | |
Ozone Nation States | Once a year (4) | |
Ozone Depleting Substance Industrial Producers | More than once a year (5) | |
Ozone Secretariat | More than once a year (5) | |
ICPR nations (1986-2000) | Less than once every 2 years (2) | See "ICPR Nations (1987-1986)" |
Rhine chemical firms | | |
Rhine agricultural sector | | |
GBR government co-managers | More than once a year (5) | |
GBR recreational fishers | More than once a year (5) | |
Wetfish Fishermen | | |
GBR fisheries managers | More than once a year (5) | Frequent communication over agency policies and management through meetings and workshops. |
GBR commercial fishers | More than once a year (5) | In meetings and workshops organised by the QSIA or government. And at landing sites and markets. |
National Marine Sanctuaries Office of NOAA | More than once a year (5) | Members of the NOAA office meet regularly. |
Raja Ampat Tourism | More than once a year (5) | |
Australian Toothfish Fishers | More than once a year (5) | Industry representatives meet multiples times a year through a variety of forums including SARAG (the Subantarctic Resource Assessment Group, which meets multiple times a year), SouthMAC (the Subantarctic Fisheries Management Advisory Committee, which meets at least once a year), CCAMLR meetings, COLTO meetings. |
Wakatobi Bajau fishers | More than once a year (5) | The Bajau have high communication and cohesion as a group. |
NWHI Monument Co-Trusteeship | More than once a year (5) | Assumed because government agencies |
Wakatobi managers | More than once a year (5) | Hold meetings more than once a year |
Svalbard Resource Managers | More than once a year (5) | Although precise figures are unknown, coordinating monitoring efforts for tourism and environment would require considerable communication. |
Australian Antarctic Division | More than once a year (5) | More than 300 individuals work for the AAD, but they all work in close proximity, with many in the same office. |
GMR managers | More than once a year (5) | Assumed |
Riparian Nations (1976-1986) | | |
Charles Darwin Foundation | More than once a year (5) | Well-organised, international organisation |
Galapagos Tourism Sector | More than once a year (5) | Assumed due to coordination and reporting |
Raja Ampat Artisanal Fishers | More than once a year (5) | |
CORALINA | More than once a year (5) | All of them work for the same entity in the same location. |
NWHI Researchers | Not Applicable | |
California Academic Researchers | More than once a year (5) | Many researchers meet regularly in person about projects or while collecting data for projects. Conferences and workshops provide in person communication opportunities as well. |
California Sanctuary Recreational Users | Missing | Varies widely, sometimes often sometimes never |
California Groundfish Fishermen | More than once a year (5) | Fishermen discuss frequently at landing sites and markets. Also, association meetings provide a forum for in person communication. |
California State and Federal Fisheries Agencies | More than once a year (5) | Team members typically work on a day to day basis together, and there are multiple meetings throughout the year bringing the two agencies together. |
Australian Fisheries Management Authority | More than once a year (5) | AFMA representatives meet multiples times a year through a variety of forums including SARAG (the Subantarctic Resource Assessment Group, which meets multiple times a year), SouthMAC (the Subantarctic Fisheries Management Advisory Committee, which meets at least once a year), and in and around CCAMLR meetings. |
Raja Ampat Managers | More than once a year (5) | |
Macquarie Island Managers | Missing | |
Svalbard Tourism | More than once a year (5) | Members are all invited to participate in the Annual General Meeting (AGM). Members who are part of committees also have an AGM, and may meet more frequently. |
Seaflower artisanal fishers | More than once a year (5) | Most likely they depend on interpersonal communication for a variety of reasons: fishing spots, safety, regulation. Also some of them should live in close proximity or fish from same ports/areas. However, artisanal fishers come from 3 different islands and I am not sure what is the level of communication among those subgroups. |
Galapagos Charles Darwin Foundation | More than once a year (5) | Well-organised, international organisation |
GABMP (Commonwealth Waters) Director of National Parks | More than once a year (5) | The executive team, which includes the Director and the 4 senior executives, and senior staff meet regularly to address strategic directions and current issues. Marine Division staff also participate in regular meetings, advising the Director on Commonwealth marine reserve issues. |
GABMP (Commonwealth Waters) Commercial Fishers | More than once a year (5) | Stated in the CFA modus operandi, the association meets regularly with internal (voting members, associate members, ordinary members, staff and board) and external constituents (government agencies, environmental groups, industry (e.g. oil and gas)). |
Cenderwasih fishers | More than once a year (5) | |
Cenderwasih managers | More than once a year (5) | Assumed to be coordination through reporting to central governement and WWF annual reports |
Falkland Islands Government (FIG) Fisheries Managers | More than once a year (5) | All know each other, work in the same building in the same wing, and talk daily |
Patagonian Squid Trawlers | More than once a year (5) | Communicate frequently, families and neighbors |
New Zealand Fishery Managers | More than once a year (5) | Communicate daily |
New Zealand Arrow Squid Fishers | More than once a year (5) | Communicate frequently |
California market squid fishermen | More than once a year (5) | Some daily, others frequently |
Indonesian Institute of Sciences - LIPI | Not Applicable | |
California Department of Fish and Wildlife Market Squid Managers | More than once a year (5) | Work in same office, frequent meetings |
Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation (ICMBio) | Missing | |
Brazilian Institute of the Environment & Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA) | Missing | |
Isla Caballo AMPR Costa Rica | More than once a year (5) | |
Paquera-Tambor AMPR Costa Rica | More than once a year (5) | |
Secretary of State for the Environment of ParĂ¡ (SEMA) in Brazil | Missing | |
Association of Users in the Caete-Teperacu RESEX (ASSUREMACATA) in Brazil | Less than once every 2 years (2) | Low communication |
Lombok aquaculture farmers | More than once a year (5) | |
SCUBA diving businesses on Gili Trawangan | More than once a year (5) | Almost daily communication |
Gili Indah Dive Association (GIDA) | More than once a year (5) | Meetings twice a month |
Gili EcoTrust on Gili Trawangan | More than once a year (5) | |
Palito-Montero AMPR Costa Rica | More than once a year (5) | |