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Social-Ecological Systems Meta-Analysis Database: Variables

Variable TypeOrdinal
Variable Component TypeEnvironmental Common
Variable KindComponent
ThemeResource renewability (learn about themes)
ProjectsSESMAD, Fiji fisheries
QuestionHow renewable is this commons?
Select Options0 Not renewable, 1 Renewable
ImportanceRenewability affects the incentives of users to conserve the commons. Resources with low regeneration rates are more challenging to manage that those resources that regenerate very fast.

Renewable resources are resources that can be replaced or replenished within 100 years.


Theory Usages

TheoryValue Used

Associated Studies

Study Citation

Dietz, Thomas, Nives Dolsak, Elinor Ostrom, and Paul Stern. 2002 “The Drama of the Commons.” In The Drama of the Commons, 3–36. Washington, DC: National Academies Press.

Component Usages

ComponentValue UsedExplanation
Tigris watershed 
Western Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Renewable (1)
Rhine Point source pollutantsRenewable (1)The pollutants are natural metals, which are potentially renewable
Rhine Non-point source pollutantsRenewable (1)The pollutants are natural chemical elements, which are potentially renewable
Light Mantled AlbatrossRenewable (1)
GABMP (Commonwealth Waters) Southern Right WhaleRenewable (1)Renewable but southern right whales are slow to reproduce and have low regeneration rates.
GABMP (Commonwealth Waters) BenthosRenewable (1)Poriferans, ascidians and bryozoans dominated the biomass of benthic species found in the GABMP and these marine invertebrates are renewable.
Gulf of Nicoya fisheriesRenewable (1)
Galapagos Sea CucumberRenewable (1)Sea cucumbers are renewable, however exhibit very low reproductive and recruitment capacity. (Hearn et al., 2005)
Forests in IndonesiaRenewable (1)Forests in this environment grow back fairly rapidly (although in some extreme circumstances of forest clearing, they may not easily grow back).
Eastern Atlantic Bluefin TunaRenewable (1)
OzoneRenewable (1)Ozone is a renewable abiotic compound, but this occurs via slow regenerative processes
Ozone Depleting SubstancesRenewable (1)These are man-made and can be created at any time.
GBR coral coverRenewable (1)But takes decades to renew because coral reefs are slow-growing
GBR target fish 
GBR target fishRenewable (1)Renewable within a years (as opposed to months or decades).
Walt's forest 
Patagonian Toothfish Renewable (1)Toothfish are a renewable resource, but are still subject to overexploitation because of their life history characteristics (e.g., slow growth, long-lived, later to mature).
NWHI Lobster FisheryRenewable (1)
Macquarie Island Royal PenguinRenewable (1)
Wakatobi coral coverRenewable (1)But takes decades to renew because coral reefs are slow-growing
Wakatobi Green TurtleRenewable (1)But slow to reproduce - low regeneration rates
Wakatobi fish spawningRenewable (1)Lutjanus bohar and Epinephelus fuscoguttatus both have minimum population doubling time 1.4 - 4.4 years, Plectropomus areolatus is much less productive with a minimum population doubling time 4.5 - 14 years
Galapagos Green TurtleRenewable (1)Renewable, however slow to mature and reproduce, with high infant mortality.
NWHI Trophic DensityRenewable (1)Some high trophic species are slow to reproduce
Patagonian squid (Loligo gahi)Renewable (1)Reflective of environmental conditions. Reproduces quickly.
Raja Ampat Reef Fish Renewable (1)However, some can be very slow growing taking years to mature and reproduce
Raja Ampat Coral CoverRenewable (1)But takes decades to renew because coral reefs are slow-growing
King PenguinRenewable (1)
Galapagos SharksRenewable (1)But many species slow to reproduce
Raja Ampat Green TurtleRenewable (1)Renewable, although low survival rates and slow maturing
NWHI Green TurtleRenewable (1)But slow to reproduce - low regeneration rates
California Rocky Shores Ecosystem HealthRenewable (1)Most species are fast-growing.
California Humpback WhaleRenewable (1)Renewable but these species are slow to reproduce and have low regeneration rates.
California Groundfish HabitatRenewable (1)This is moderately renewable. Biotic habitat (kelp) is more so renewable than rocks. Most are long living species but are quite slow growing (especially many rockfish species) (McCain et al. 2005). Overexploitation of California rockfish stocks have led to a reduction in age at maturity, a decrease in fecundity, and a change in gonadal index (Adams 1980; Gunderson et al. 1980). The kelp forests and sea grass areas are renewable, while the rocky shores are somewhat renewable.
Community D Fish ResourcesRenewable (1)
Community A Fish ResourcesRenewable (1)
Community C Fish ResourcesRenewable (1)
Community B Fish ResourcesRenewable (1)
Svalbard Polar BearRenewable (1)
Seaflower coral reefsRenewable (1)Spawn yearly.
Seaflower groupersRenewable (1)Reproduce yearly.
Svalbard BelugaRenewable (1)
Community G Fish ResourcesRenewable (1)
Community F Fish ResourcesRenewable (1)
Community E Fish ResourcesRenewable (1)
Community H Fish ResourcesRenewable (1)
Svalbard ShrimpRenewable (1)
GABMP (Commonwealth Waters) Southern Bluefin TunaRenewable (1)Renewable but vulnerable to exploitation and potentially slow to recover from fishing.
GBR Green TurtleRenewable (1)
Cenderwasih coral coverRenewable (1)But takes decades to renew because coral reefs are slow-growing
Cenderwasih green turtleRenewable (1)But slow to reproduce - low regeneration rates
GABMP (Commonwealth Waters) Sea LionRenewable (1)
Svalbard KittiwakeRenewable (1)Generation length: 12.9 years (http://www.iucnredlist.org/details/22694497/0)
Cenderwasih target fishRenewable (1)However, some can be very slow growing taking years to mature and reproduce
Arrow Squid (Nototodarus spp.)Renewable (1)Reproduces quickly.
California market squid (Loligo opalescens)Renewable (1)Reflective of environmental conditions. Reproduces quickly.
New Zealand Sea Lion 
Mangrove forest in Bragança, BrazilRenewable (1)
Lombok aquaculture irrigation canalsRenewable (1)
Coral reefs, coast and small-island on and surrounding Gili Trawangan, IndonesiaRenewable (1)