Andreas Thiel
Assistant professor
Faculty of Agriculture and Horticulture Resource Economics
Humboldt University
Research Activites
"Andreas Thiel is Einstein Junior Fellow and temporarily appointed as Professor of Environmental Governance, heading a research group in this topic. He is an economist and spatial planner by training and holds a Ph.D. from Oxford Brookes University, School of the Built Environment. He was Visiting Fellow at Technical University of Lisbon, University of Lisbon, University of Seville and Indiana University, Vincent and Elinor Ostrom Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis. His habilitation addresses the topic: Developing Institutional Economics for the Analysis of Social-ecological Systems. His current interests address the way society and individuals organize individuals’ and collective interaction and interdependence mediated by SES, and their transformation. Currently, Professor Thiel specifically develops substantive research on understanding the drivers of scalar reorganization of natural resource governance in the European Union, on evaluating and explaining the transformation of local natural resource governance in Europe and beyond with a specific focus on the water-land use nexus, on developing the corresponding methodologies, on the role of the state and scale in collective action for natural resource and specifically water management, and on the institutional analysis of adaptation to climate change."