Louisa S. Evans
HASS Advanced Research Fellow
Geography, College of Life and Environmental Sciences
Exeter University
Research Activites
"Louisa is an environmental social scientist with expertise in coastal and marine governance. Her research focuses on the structures and processes of governance reform and transformation at local to regional scales. Louisa recently began a new position as an Advanced Research Fellow in the Humanities and Social Sciences at Exeter University (UK). Louisa completed her PhD in Governing Coastal Resilience at the School of International Development, University of East Anglia in 2008. She then worked as a post-doctoral researcher for WorldFish (Malaysia) part of the Consultative Group of International Agricultural Research (CGIAR). Here, her work aimed to operationalize resilience thinking in poverty contexts throughout developing world fisheries. In 2010 Louisa moved to the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies (James Cook University) where she led four research projects on Transforming Coastal Governance (Solomon Islands), Testing Ecosystem-based Fisheries Management (Tanzania, EU-funded), Limits to Climate Change Adaptation (Australia, NCCARF-funded), and Leadership for Integrated Conservation and Development (JCU-funded). In her new role as an Advanced Research Fellow at Exeter, Louisa's aim is to foster new interdisciplinary collaborations across the humanities, social and natural sciences at Exeter and elsewhere. Broadly, she is interested in pursuing four broad themes: 1) the meaning of governance transformation; 2) drivers of transformation; 3) winners and losers of transformation, and; 4) policy and decision-making for transformation."