Rooney, J., E. Donham, a. Montgomery, H. Spalding, F. Parrish, R. Boland, D. Fenner, J. Gove, and O. Vetter. 2010. “Mesophotic Coral Ecosystems in the Hawaiian Archipelago.” Coral Reefs 29 (2): 361–67. doi:10.1007/s00338-010-0596-3.
Rooney, J., E. Donham, a. Montgomery, H. Spalding, F. Parrish, R. Boland, D. Fenner, J. Gove, and O. Vetter. 2010. “Mesophotic Coral Ecosystems in the Hawaiian Archipelago.” Coral Reefs 29 (2): 361–67. doi:10.1007/s00338-010-0596-3.