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Social-Ecological Systems Meta-Analysis Database: Component

SummaryLead managers of the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary. Federal agency, oversees 11 other national sanctuaries.
SubtypeGovernment Agency
SectorMarine protected areas
Interest HeterogeneityLow (1)
ExplanationThe Sanctuary office is split into distinct teams, resource protection, education & outreach, and research & monitoring. While these are different interests, collaboration is high amongst them and they are all interested in following the guidelines of the Sanctuary Management Plans. There is an office dedicated to the joint management of these "West Coast Sanctuaries" to ensure interests align and coordination efforts are enhanced.
Costs Of ExitNo
ExplanationTeams are staffed by the federal government and so no cost to leave from the individual standpoint.
Proportionality (Of Costs And Benefits)Not Applicable
Actor Group CoordinationBoth formal and informal
ExplanationThere are formal teams, e.g. research team, and offices, but members of this group informally meet and discuss Sanctuary topics often.
ExplanationProject and goal leads are identified by position. The national office has authority over regional offices, however, regional offices have a Superintendent and each goal has a specified coordinator. An advisory council assumes leadership for interested stakeholders. The Secretary of Commerce has overall authority on all sanctuary activities.
Leadership AccountabilityMedium (2)
ExplanationLeaders are expected to follow guidelines set by national standards and to their employees, however a lack of appropriate leadership may take some time to be recognized and a substitute provided for.
Leadership AuthorityHigh (3)
ExplanationThe leader has full authority and can adjust program directives, if it follows under the national and legal structure, as the leader sees fit.
Actor Group TrustHigh (3)
ExplanationAll members are working under the same guidelines and for similar objectives.
Past CollaborationHigh (3)
ExplanationThe group regularly meets and discusses activities within and amongst the three sanctuaries. There are multiple offices but they often work together.
Personal CommunicationMore than once a year (5)
ExplanationMembers of the NOAA office meet regularly.
Remote CommunicationMore than once a year (5)
ExplanationMembers of the NOAA office communicate remotely frequently.