Summary | Fish species targeted by GBR commercial and recreational fishers |
Project | SESMAD |
Subtype | Natural Resource Unit |
Sector | Marine protected areas, Fisheries (Stock-specific) |
Biotic | Yes |
| Explanation | |
Commons Aggregation | Population |
| Explanation | For some target fish species distinct sub-populations are identified within the GBR |
Commons Boundaries | Somewhat unclear boundaries (2) |
| Explanation | Some species are habitat-associated species and tend to mirror patterns in habitat cover. However, the resource is mobile horizontally and vertically and often crosses administrative boundaries (e.g., zoning) so is considered to have somewhat unclear boundaries. |
Commons Indicator | ["Status of species targeted by fisheries"] |
| Explanation | |
Commons Unit Size | Small (2) |
| Explanation | 0.1m |
Environmental Medium | Oceanic |
| Explanation | |
Inter Annual Predictability | Moderate (2) |
| Explanation | |
Intra Annual Predictability | Moderate (2) |
| Explanation | |
Commons Renewability | Renewable (1) |
| Explanation | Renewable within a years (as opposed to months or decades). |
Productivity | Moderately Productive (2) |
| Explanation | Most species would be moderate to highly productive. However, some can be very slow growing taking years to mature and reproduce hence the evaluation here that the resource is moderately productive. |
Commons Accessibility | Somewhat accessible (2) |
| Explanation | Given boats, gears, and tracking technologies target fish are somewhat accessible to fishers. |
Commons Heterogeneity | Moderate (2) |
| Explanation | |
Commons Mobility | Medium (2) |
| Explanation | Varies by species. Compared to sessile resources, like coral or trees, and global migratory species or pollutants target fish are considered to be moderately mobile.
~10km (as opposed to 1km or 100Km) |
Commons Spatial Extent | 345000 |
| Explanation | If we consider the target fish within the GBR Marine Protected Area. |
Technical Substitute | No |
| Explanation | |