Summary | Queensland Fisheries, the state agency responsible for fisheries management |
Project | SESMAD |
Subtype | Government Agency |
Sector | Marine protected areas |
Interest Heterogeneity | Low (1) |
| Explanation | Consensus achieved through agreement and buying into organisational goals |
Costs Of Exit | Not Applicable |
| Explanation | |
Proportionality (Of Costs And Benefits) | Not Applicable |
| Explanation | |
Actor Group Coordination | Both formal and informal |
| Explanation | They co-ordinate through formal stakeholder meetings and informal organisational networking and communication |
Leadership | Formal leader |
| Explanation | Organisational leader |
Leadership Accountability | Low (1) |
| Explanation | Accountable to State government not employees |
Leadership Authority | High (3) |
| Explanation | Has power to make organisational and operational decisions |
Actor Group Trust | Not Applicable |
| Explanation | |
Past Collaboration | High (3) |
| Explanation | The agency has demonstrated state-level collaboration within its agency that has enabled key changes to fisheries policy and management. |
Personal Communication | More than once a year (5) |
| Explanation | Frequent communication over agency policies and management through meetings and workshops. |
Remote Communication | More than once a year (5) |
| Explanation | Frequent communication over agency policies and management through email, phone, etc., |