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Social-Ecological Systems Meta-Analysis Database: Component

SummaryRecreational fishers who fish in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park.
SubtypeLocal Resource User Group
SectorMarine protected areas, Fisheries (Stock-specific)
Interest HeterogeneityLow (1)
ExplanationRecreational fishers range from those who fish once and year to those who fish much more regularly. However, they group as a whole have similar interests in terms of what they want from governance of the GBRMP.
Costs Of ExitNo
ExplanationCosts of existing recreational fishing would be relatively minimal. It is a recreational activity and costs of exit would depend on investment in boats and kit. However, there is a market for re-sale.
Proportionality (Of Costs And Benefits)Yes
ExplanationThere is low or no cost to being a recreational fisher. All that is required to be one is gear (fishing rod etc), maybe a boat. There is a fee to become a member of a recreational fishing association (e.g., Australian National Sportfishing Association), but membership is not required to fish recreationally. No recreational fishing license is needed.
Actor Group CoordinationBoth formal and informal
ExplanationThere are membership organisations through which some recreational fishers co-ordinate formally. However, for the majority co-ordination would be informal.
LeadershipInformal leader
ExplanationThe sports fishing groups have leaders. These leaders are voted in but the vast majority of recreational fishers are not part of these groups.
Leadership AccountabilityMedium (2)
ExplanationLeaders are voted in and out by the associations' members. Most recreational fishers are not part of these associations though they could elect to become members.
Leadership AuthorityMedium (2)
ExplanationThe recreational fishers associations have low representation but are nonetheless recognised by the government and invited to participate in some decision-making over management of the recreational fishery and GBRMP.
Actor Group TrustMissing
ExplanationMissing in case
Past CollaborationMedium (2)
ExplanationThese associations are not new. They are well established but do not have high representation hence their history of collaboration is medium.
Personal CommunicationMore than once a year (5)
Remote CommunicationMore than once a year (5)