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Social-Ecological Systems Meta-Analysis Database: Component

SummaryThe Ozone Secretariat is an administrative body located in Nairobi Kenya that is responsible for administering a variety of governance activities for ozone regulation including arranging meetings of the parties, representing the parties in other venues, monitoring, data collection and analysis.
SectorAir Pollution
Interest HeterogeneityLow (1)
ExplanationThe key difference is the extent to which signatory nations can afford alternatives to ODS if they are expensive.
Costs Of ExitNo
ExplanationThe ozone layer is a commons, and so member or non-member states receive the benefit of the treaty regardless of membership.
Proportionality (Of Costs And Benefits)No
ExplanationHigh-income countries (designated as Article 5 countries) and lower-income countries have common but differentiated responsibilities (http://ozone.unep.org/new_site/en/montreal_protocol.php).
Actor Group CoordinationBoth formal and informal
ExplanationThe Ozone Secretariat coordinates formal meetings of the Parties but also acts to build capacity of countries with nascent regulatory systems. The Secretariat functions in accordance with article 12 of the Montreal Protocol, and its duties include administration, monitoring implementation, collection and processing of ODS data from the parties to the convention, and providing information concerning the ozone layer.
LeadershipFormal leader
ExplanationThe Secretariat has a permanent staff based at the United Nations Environment Programme Office in Nairobi, Kenya.
Leadership AccountabilityLow (1)
Leadership AuthorityHigh (3)
ExplanationThe Secretariat has the power to monitor implementation of the Protocol, although sanctions are rarely if ever used.
Actor Group Trust 
Past Collaboration 
Personal CommunicationMore than once a year (5)
Remote CommunicationMore than once a year (5)