Summary | The Isla Caballo AMPR was approved in 2012. The AMPR application was pushed forward by a few strong community leaders (A5; I7), supported by UNA and INCOPESCA (GS1c) to design the area boundaries. Local fishers were mostly involved only in the approval process, requesting a signature if they agreed. This helped get the AMPR established when most of them agreed, but also left some fish- ers in disagreement. Fishers in COLOPES also agreed to self-organize surveillance during nights (I7; I9) and apply their own informal sanctioning mechanisms (GS8c), such as taking out illegal gears (i.e. gillnets) and destroying them, similar to Palito. |
Project | SESMAD |
Subtype | Local Resource User Group |
Sector | Marine protected areas, Fisheries (Stock-specific) |
Interest Heterogeneity | High (3) |
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Costs Of Exit | Missing |
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Proportionality (Of Costs And Benefits) | Missing |
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Actor Group Coordination | Both formal and informal |
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Leadership | ["", "Formal leader"] |
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Leadership Accountability | Low (1) |
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Leadership Authority | Low (1) |
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Actor Group Trust | Low (1) |
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Past Collaboration | Low (1) |
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Personal Communication | More than once a year (5) |
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Remote Communication | More than once a year (5) |
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