Summary | Australian Sea Lion (Neophoca cinerea) is an endemic species that feeds on benthic dwelling fish, cephalopods, crustaceans and sharks - and as a higher trophic level predator is used in this case as a proxy for ecosystem health. |
Project | SESMAD |
Subtype | Natural Resource Unit |
Sector | Marine protected areas |
Biotic | Yes |
| Explanation | |
Commons Aggregation | Population |
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Commons Boundaries | |
| Explanation | Australian endemic species restricted to South and Western Australia. It has known breeding grounds, and foraging grounds are though to extend across a large proportion of the shelf adjacent to south Australia. |
Commons Indicator | ["Ecosystem health and/or biodiversity"] |
| Explanation | A higher trophic level species found to eat benthic dwelling fish, cephalopods, crustaceans and sharks (McIntosh et al. 2006). |
Commons Unit Size | Medium (3) |
| Explanation | Males can become very large, 185–225 cm in length and weighing 180–250 kg. Females are smaller, 130–185 cm at in length and weighing 65–100 kg. |
Environmental Medium | Oceanic |
| Explanation | |
Inter Annual Predictability | Moderate (2) |
| Explanation | Supra-annual breeding cycle of 17-18 months = pupping seasons do not occur at the same time each year, making predictions difficult (Shaughnessy et al. 2011) |
Intra Annual Predictability | Moderate (2) |
| Explanation | Duration of pupping season varies between colonies (from 5 - 8 months) - complicate assessing abundance (Shaughnessy et al. 2011) |
Commons Renewability | Renewable (1) |
| Explanation | |
Productivity | Poorly productive (1) |
| Explanation | Lower level of fecundity when compared to annually breeding pinnipeds, such as the conspecific NZ fur seal |
Commons Accessibility | Very accessible (3) |
| Explanation | Known haul out and breeding sites on land, and also often in near shore areas where fishing and recreational activities take place |
Commons Heterogeneity | Moderate (2) |
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Commons Mobility | Medium (2) |
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Commons Spatial Extent | |
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Technical Substitute | No |
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