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Social-Ecological Systems Meta-Analysis Database: Component

SummaryAustralian Sea Lion (Neophoca cinerea) is an endemic species that feeds on benthic dwelling fish, cephalopods, crustaceans and sharks - and as a higher trophic level predator is used in this case as a proxy for ecosystem health.
SubtypeNatural Resource Unit
SectorMarine protected areas
Commons AggregationPopulation
Commons Boundaries 
ExplanationAustralian endemic species restricted to South and Western Australia. It has known breeding grounds, and foraging grounds are though to extend across a large proportion of the shelf adjacent to south Australia.
Commons Indicator["Ecosystem health and/or biodiversity"]
ExplanationA higher trophic level species found to eat benthic dwelling fish, cephalopods, crustaceans and sharks (McIntosh et al. 2006).
Commons Unit SizeMedium (3)
ExplanationMales can become very large, 185–225 cm in length and weighing 180–250 kg. Females are smaller, 130–185 cm at in length and weighing 65–100 kg.
Environmental MediumOceanic
Inter Annual PredictabilityModerate (2)
ExplanationSupra-annual breeding cycle of 17-18 months = pupping seasons do not occur at the same time each year, making predictions difficult (Shaughnessy et al. 2011)
Intra Annual PredictabilityModerate (2)
ExplanationDuration of pupping season varies between colonies (from 5 - 8 months) - complicate assessing abundance (Shaughnessy et al. 2011)
Commons RenewabilityRenewable (1)
ProductivityPoorly productive (1)
ExplanationLower level of fecundity when compared to annually breeding pinnipeds, such as the conspecific NZ fur seal
Commons AccessibilityVery accessible (3)
ExplanationKnown haul out and breeding sites on land, and also often in near shore areas where fishing and recreational activities take place
Commons HeterogeneityModerate (2)
Commons MobilityMedium (2)
Commons Spatial Extent 
Technical SubstituteNo