Summary | The Director of National Parks is a corporation established under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (EPBC) Act 1999, with the principal function of managing the Commonwealth reserves that are established under the Act. The corporation is constituted by the person appointed to the office named the Director of National Parks. The Director of National Parks is responsible under the EPBC Act for the administration, management and control of Commonwealth reserves and conservation zones. The Director is assisted in performing this function by the staff of Parks Australia (a division of the Department of the Environment formally a division of the Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities). The Director is responsible to the Minister of the Environment for the administration of the EPBC Act.
Project | SESMAD |
Subtype | Corporation |
Sector | Marine protected areas |
Interest Heterogeneity | Low (1) |
| Explanation | The holder of the office of Director of National Parks and 4 senior executives provide leadership in Parks Australia (Annual Report 2011 - 2012). Three senior executives are split into distinct branches: Parks and Biodiversity Science, Parks and Protected Areas Program, and Parks Operations and Tourism. In addition to the Parks Australia executive team, the fourth senior executive in the department's Marine Division is responsible, under the delegation from the Director of National Parks, for managing the Commonwealth marine reserves. Collaboration is high among the 4 executives as they are all part of the federal environment portfolio and are to support the Director.
Parks Australia Executive includes the Director of National Parks and the 4 executives. Each of the branches report to the Director of National Parks.
Costs Of Exit | No |
| Explanation | Group members are government employees so it should not be difficult to leave this group.
Peter Cochrane, who served as Director of National Parks from 1999 - 2013, was replaced by Sally Barnes and also in 2013, Assistant Secretary Mark Taylor of the Parks and Protected Areas Programs Branch was transferred to another department and replaced by Dr. Barbara Musso. |
Proportionality (Of Costs And Benefits) | Not Applicable |
| Explanation | |
Actor Group Coordination | Both formal and informal |
| Explanation | The executive team, which includes the Director and the 4 senior executives, and senior staff meet regularly to address strategic directions and current issues. Marine Division staff also participate in regular meetings, advising the Director on Commonwealth marine reserve issues. Where appropriate, video and telephone links are used to liaise with executive and senior staff that are located in remote locations. Coordination between managers and the executive team includes regular phone link-ups and an annual Parks Australia Forum that involves all senior managers. The Parks Australia Forum would also allow for informal coordination opportunities. Staff also participate in consultative committees to support internal management which would provide opportunity for both formal and information coordination. |
Leadership | ["Formal leader"] |
| Explanation | The holder of the office of the Director of National Parks is appointed by the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia. |
Leadership Accountability | Low (1) |
| Explanation | The Director of National Parks is accountable to Federal and State governments respectively rather than to employees (members of the group). |
Leadership Authority | Medium (2) |
| Explanation | The EPBC Act requires the Director to perform functions and exercise powers in accordance with any directions given by the Minister of the Environment, unless the Act provides otherwise. The Minister of the Environment is responsible for the Commonwealth Authorities and Companies (CAC) Act 1997 and may, via a General Policy Order, also notify the Director under the CAC Act of general government policies that apply to the Director.
The Director has authority to make organizational and operational decisions under the legal structure of the EPBC Act.
Actor Group Trust | Missing |
| Explanation | No information was fou
The executive team -- Director of National Parks and the 4 senior executives -- meet regularly to address strategic directions and current issues. |
Past Collaboration | High (3) |
| Explanation | The Director of National Parks and the senior executives are working under the same guidelines and for similar objectives. |
Personal Communication | More than once a year (5) |
| Explanation | The executive team, which includes the Director and the 4 senior executives, and senior staff meet regularly to address strategic directions and current issues. Marine Division staff also participate in regular meetings, advising the Director on Commonwealth marine reserve issues. |
Remote Communication | More than once a year (5) |
| Explanation | Where appropriate, video and telephone links are used to liaise with executive and senior staff that are located in remote locations. Coordination between managers and the executive team includes regular phone link-ups. |