Summary | This refers to the rules and regulations used to govern the use of fish resources within the LMMA of Community E. |
Project | Fiji fisheries |
Subtype | Informal Governance System |
Sector | |
Begin Date | 2002 |
| Explanation | PHC management was initiated in 2002. |
End Date | Current |
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Governance Scale | Sub-national (State, Province, District) |
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Governance System Description | {"Management Regime"=>"The qolioli includes several. The high chief is the traditional leader of the Qoliqoli and makes ultimate decisions about resource use. Qoliqoli Management Committee established in 2003 with support from WWF as co-management partner. I kanakana (local fishing ground) boundary for Island considered to be within 5 mile perimeter around the island (this is not legally demarcated, but may appear as a restricted area on fishing licenses issues by Fisheries and approved by high chief). Local groups consider this area reserved exclusively for them only. No outsiders are allowed to fish in the kanakana.", "Residents have little land available for planting and are therefore heavily dependent on fishing for income. They fish heavily, sell a lot of fish, and put money back into fishing technology (boats and gear), plus other assets. [SJ"=>"observation of substantial change in material assets – e.g. water tanks, satellite TV, electricity – between visits in 2009 and subsequent visit in 2015)].", "Tabu establishment"=>"2002 (though there is some uncertainty around this date). Site selected because thought to be a known fish breeding/spawning location."} |
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Governance Trigger | Missing |
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Centralization | Highly decentralized (1) |
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Metric Diversity | High: Many metrics for success (3) |
| Explanation | Local fisheries are managed with a number of different social, economic and ecological objectives. |
Phc Management Scale | Province |
| Explanation | |