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Social-Ecological Systems Meta-Analysis Database: Component

SummaryThis actor group includes the timber industry, as well as mining industries and large plantation-based industries (oil palm, wood fiber plantations).
Interest HeterogeneityMedium (2)
ExplanationCoal mining companies, logging companies, and plantation industries (pulp, oil palm) all have very different structures, and may even have different views of the forest (i.e. logging companies may prefer land to remain as forest as opposed to be converted to other uses in the long run), however they all have a common interest in maintaining access to forest land for commercial extraction.
Costs Of ExitYes
ExplanationExtractive industries are highly profitable in Indonesia, thus leaving this group involves forgoing large potential profits. On the other hand, those profiting from extractive industries may be able to move their capital into other activities that are also profitable, lowering the costs of leaving the group.
Proportionality (Of Costs And Benefits)No
Explanation? Not sure how to code this
Actor Group Coordination 
ExplanationDoes this refer to inter or intra group?
LeadershipNo leader
ExplanationSome sub parts of this group had leadership at some point (i.e. Bob Hasan and the Apkindo group of timber companies - see Barr 1998). However this has been the exception to the rule - there is no broader coordination of extractive industries, and even Hasan's leadership of the timber companies was relatively short lived (basically from the late 1980s-1998).
Leadership Accountability 
Explanationnot applicable (no leader)
Leadership Authority 
Explanationnot applicable (no leader)
Actor Group Trust 
ExplanationDoes this refer to inter or intra group?
Past Collaboration 
ExplanationDoes this refer to inter or intra group?
Personal Communication 
ExplanationDoes this refer to inter or intra group?
Remote Communication 
ExplanationDoes this refer to inter or intra group?