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Social-Ecological Systems Meta-Analysis Database: Component

SummaryThe California Fish and Wildlife Department and the Pacific Fishery Management Council are a state and a federal body which have joint jurisdiction over the groundfish fisheries in the central California national marine sanctuaries.
SubtypeGovernment Agency
SectorMarine protected areas, Fisheries (Stock-specific)
Interest HeterogeneityLow (1)
ExplanationThe CDFW and PFMC groundfish regulators are focused on the same goals and are guided by the same principles outlined in the Magnuson-Stevens Conservation and Management Act (1976, the primary law governing US fisheries), and the fisheries federal management plans. While the state focuses on those species found only within state waters, all groundfish fisheries are managed to prevent overfishing, protect the broader ecosystem, rebuild overfished stocks, promote long term economic and social benefits, allow for safe and sustainable seafood. The primary difference is whether the stocks are solely in state waters, or if they migrate past the 3 nautical mile line.
Costs Of ExitNo
ExplanationTeams are staffed by the federal government and so there is no cost for an individual to leave an agency.
Proportionality (Of Costs And Benefits)Not Applicable
Actor Group CoordinationBoth formal and informal
ExplanationWhile most of the group coordination is through formal means (management team meetings, presentations to the Council, public meetings, interagency meetings), many of the members of this actor group formulate relationships with other agency members and fishery participants to formulate management ideas and to incorporate social trends and attitudes.
ExplanationThe Pacific Fishery Management Council retains leadership over the other teams (e.g. habitat team, budget team, management team, advisory team) and the council has a Chair and a Vice-Chair. The PFMC groundfish management team has an official Chair and Vice-Chair. The Secretary of Commerce has overall authority over this group's actions.
Leadership AccountabilityHigh (3)
ExplanationThe chair and vice-chair positions are voted on by the voting members of the Council. Any such chair that is deemed to not be managing appropriately can be out-voted by council members.
Leadership AuthorityHigh (3)
ExplanationThe Council typically has higher authority, but authority is strong and high. All decisions of any Council shall be by majority vote of the voting members present and voting. The chair has only one vote, as does every other on the council. However, many times the chair can informally impose a stronger pull towards their decision.
Actor Group TrustMedium (2)
ExplanationCDFW and PFMC groundfish fishery members typically have a high level of trust amongst each other, working toward the same goal under the same guidelines. However, many members of the PFMC management team include stakeholders which often times represent conflicting goals and groups of people (e.g. tribal agency member, Washington vs Oregon vs California states), which can inherently raise a level of caution during deliberations and compromises.
Past CollaborationHigh (3)
ExplanationThe PFMC and CDFW meet regularly, in person as well as communicating through other means.
Personal CommunicationMore than once a year (5)
ExplanationTeam members typically work on a day to day basis together, and there are multiple meetings throughout the year bringing the two agencies together.
Remote CommunicationMore than once a year (5)
ExplanationTeam members typically work on a day to day basis together, and teleconference, email, and telephone communications are frequent (daily to weekly).